Might delete later

It’s been a long time since
those butterflies have come around
but they scatter when you’re there

I get nervous when I call you
can’t leave a message
but they fled when you answered

Those texts that are re-typed four to five times
before being sent
don’t seem right the first time
even if the words didn’t change
just retyped the same
takes longer to process just what
I wanted to say

This is new
for one who thought he knew what
he wanted
it wasn’t,
but this is

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Cross Country?

Daily writing prompt
You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike?

That totally depends on many circumstances. How much time do I have? A few days, weeks or months? If I had the time I’d ride a bike across the country. In fact I’d stick to one highway that starts in the town I grew up in California and ride to the other end in Massachusetts. Some 3500 miles and then turn around and ride back. but that would take at least two months.
But if I had a few days to get across the country and a friend or two I would drive. because for me to get to an airport, that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to fly out of, is at least a three and a half hour drive. Same to get to a train or bus station. And for three people it evens out the price of flying especially if you need a car for transportation at your destination.
Traveling with friends is something that makes memories, and inside jokes. Recently I had something that sparked a memory of a camping and climbing trip I went on 10 years ago and sent it to one of the friends who went with me, since then we started talking more because we had the old memories from that trip. We hadn’t talked in a couple years. but its right back where it was then.

Take the trip, spend time with people who care about you, check in on the ones you care about.

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Grit people

Daily writing prompt
Who are your favorite people to be around?

  I think my favorite people to be around are those that are willing to be authentic, to be real and not hide who they are. I have one friend who says he doesn’t filter anything out, and he really doesn’t except when he’s around his kids, that’s because he doesn’t want his kids to be using the language he’s working on getting out of his life. I had a boss at one time who said if someone can swear around you their being real with you, I don’t think that’s true, mostly because I didn’t grow up swearing and never adopted it into my vocabulary.
  One thing I really don’t like is when you go into a coffee shop and the person at the register asks “How are you?” Should I say what I’m thinking “does it matter?” or “Miserable, but smiling to hide it.” Does how I’m doing really change how their going to get me a Latte or cup of coffee? I know they’re being friendly and doing their job but it irks me a little bit, and is probably one of the reasons I don’t go to coffee shops as much as I used to.
  But back to real people, I like hanging around people who have, and want to tell, stories of what they have done, either epic or day to day. Sometimes theirs are gritty stories, others are fun and lighthearted, but always real. You learn a lot from someone by the stories they tell. Maybe its a story of what they did that weekend, or of when they lost a family member. but you can hear the emotions in their voice, or see it in their eyes. I like how one of my friends talks about a guy he used to work with, he says that guy is “Good people” meaning he was raised right, helps people in need. I hope I’m looked at as good people by someone who doesn’t really know me but knows that I care for people in need.

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Good Grief that was a Good Gift

Daily writing prompt
Share one of the best gifts you’ve ever received.

  I think one of the best “gifts” I’ve received wasn’t really a gift. I mentioned it a bit ago but when I was in Master’s Commission, a Christian discipleship training school, some other students asked if they could use my car, to run up and do something in town. I didn’t think anything of it but they really didn’t take it to town. they took it to the car wash and completely cleaned it out. got all the old receipts and napkins and trash out, organized the cds into cases and brought it back vacuumed and awesome. They knew I loved driving that car and honestly probably didn’t want to ride in it in the state it was in. It showed me how much they cared about me. I think that’s one of the best gifts I’ve ever received.

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