Cut From a Different Cloth (or an update on life)

I don’t think I have a specific style, in fact I dress more like a cartoon character from my younger days, than some fashion icon. I wear the same pair of pants and a dark colored t-shirt, for most occasions. I have a brown pair of Duluth Trading Co. pants that fit amazing and haven’t worn out the three years I’ve been wearing them at least six days a week when its too cold for shorts. I’ve had pants and jeans rip the first time I wore them, but these have lasted and I think I need to get a few pairs of shorts like them for the other 7 months when its too warm for pants. I think when we find something we like we should stick with it.
I like a lot of older values that don’t seem to be part of the culture anymore, I’m not one for dating apps. I’d rather meet someone in real life, than be judged for my picture and how articulate I can write a paragraph about myself. I’d rather meet someone organically in person and not judged by the criteria of an online apparatus, its one of the reasons I got off Facebook. I recently shaved my beard off, I do it almost every spring, but kept my mustache because my genetics gave me a good one. The day after I shaved the beard I got compliments on the mustache from different women at different places, I wasn’t looking for the attention but it made me feel good to get the compliments, even though they were from people who don’t know me aside from having a good mustache. I didn’t realize it but I needed them, they pushed me to do better, to be a better person, with a grand mustache.
Despite having a good mustache, I’ve been struggling with accepting who I am. Am I good enough to be a husband? Do I have the qualities that attract people to me? I mean I have a couple cool cars, a good sense of humor, but might not be that approachable. I’m not one to go out and party, I like beer but won’t buy it to have at my house, its not an everyday part of my life. I have a small circle of friends, but their spread out over different states and countries. I’m not in much debt, but I don’t have much saved either, some weeks I have to chose between the gas station and the grocery store. but I know I have a medical bill coming, for an emergency surgery eight months ago, that will be about a quarter of my yearly income, and I’ll probably be getting a second job or side hustle to cover that.
I want to get married but can’t find someone who wants to take the time to go on a date. I like getting out, but if I don’t have someone to get out with the experience isn’t as memorable, I have loads of date ideas, but they probably wont ever come to actual dates.
I want kids, many people have told me I’ll be a good dad, but at this rate I’ll be the old dad at the school events, but also probably the most fun, because that is a priority as well in my life. I love going on adventures, even making adventures out of everyday life, like can you drive from one town to the next without touching a highway. Or a spontaneous overnight camping trip, I have a kitchen box that moves into whatever car I’m driving so I can cook a meal if I get the ingredients. One friend when he introduces me to people sometimes calls me a chef, I’ve never claimed that title, but I have cooked in a few restaurants over the years and know my way around a kitchen, if you give me a recipe I probably wont follow it completely the second time I make it because I know how to tweak certain ingredients to make things better.
Maybe I’m ranting, and maybe no one reads this.
If you know me in real life, and not just on the internet, let me know you read this.

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