If you wake up cynical, don’t stay there…

Life has been frustrating, but I try not to let it get to me.
Sometimes you just wake up feeling pissed off. and I don’t know why. A couple things come to mind that just added fuel on the fire. Utility companies that have been charging more than my rent the last few months, unknown feelings; a little on my part a little on another’s. How do you get rid of that little cynical part of your mind that comes out to terrorize you sometimes.

As a Christian I spend time with Jesus, I give my worries to Him, sometimes I journal it out so I can look back later in life. Put on some worship music and sit in His presence, other times I go for a run or hike because sometimes getting exercise somehow eases the mind. Or find a scripture that speaks to the situation and dwell on it, write it on a sticky note and put it in your car on the dash, ore somewhere else you will see it to remind you.

I need to get my focus off my problems, and back on the things that matter. I ask God how sees me, He loves us, cares for us, sometimes we lose focus on that fact. Sometimes we put all our focus on a certain thing and get totally surprised when something else comes out of the blue, even though if we had been aware we wouldn’t have been surprised.
Sometimes people walk away from the things they used to know. Love them through it, don’t be so pushy with your beliefs, that might just turn them off to you and what you have to say. Years ago I had a friend asked about certain details about someone I love tremendously, mostly to try to frame judgement over that person, at least that’s what it felt like to me, rather than supply those details I distanced that friendship, didn’t cut them off but put space there, and still have a healthy relationship with the person they judged. Sometimes people just need someone to listen to them without judgement. I’m pretty good at doing that. Who am I to judge someone? In John 8 Jesus said “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” I’m not without sin, and neither are you. so lets stop being so judgmental and just love people.

If you wake up cynical, don’t stay there, no matter how tempting it is.

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