Good Grief that was a Good Gift

Daily writing prompt
Share one of the best gifts you’ve ever received.

  I think one of the best “gifts” I’ve received wasn’t really a gift. I mentioned it a bit ago but when I was in Master’s Commission, a Christian discipleship training school, some other students asked if they could use my car, to run up and do something in town. I didn’t think anything of it but they really didn’t take it to town. they took it to the car wash and completely cleaned it out. got all the old receipts and napkins and trash out, organized the cds into cases and brought it back vacuumed and awesome. They knew I loved driving that car and honestly probably didn’t want to ride in it in the state it was in. It showed me how much they cared about me. I think that’s one of the best gifts I’ve ever received.

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1 Response to Good Grief that was a Good Gift

  1. Justin says:

    What a heartwarming story! The thoughtfulness and effort your friends put into cleaning and organizing your car truly speaks volumes about their care and appreciation for you. It’s a beautiful example of how sometimes the most meaningful gifts are those that come from understanding and addressing someone’s needs in a personal and considerate way. This gesture not only improved your driving experience but also strengthened the bond between you and your friends, showcasing the power of acts of service in expressing love and care.

    Reflecting on this experience, how has this act of kindness influenced your own way of showing appreciation or care towards others?

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