Clean the Daily

What do you need to do to take the next step(s) in life? For me I need to clean the daily.

My family and close friends know I don’t keep my car very clean. I never really have. It honestly was just not something very high on my priority list. I’d have old coffee cups and lots of old gas receipts and various other things really it was mostly trash but no food stuffs because I lived in a place where wildlife can break into cars for food.

When I was in ministry school two other students asked if they could use my car once, and they really just wanted to bless me by cleaning it out. And it really did, was a huge surprise too.

Another time I had a friend get in my old van and mentioned. ”What if you meet a girl, are you going to clean it real quick before she gets in?” I always thought the right one would accept me for who I was, I wasn’t embarrassed by my messy car, but I also drove a minivan because I was a youth leader and needed the seat capacity for giving kids rides home and whatnot. The van didn’t impress anyone who didn’t know me, but for those who rode in it either to camp or church will always have the memories of 65 mph food fights with another van, launching Oreos off the windshield driving home from concerts and various other trips. but the van got older and it became time to upgrade so I got my Land Cruiser ten years ago.

I bought it because I had(still have) the dream of driving around the world, seeing at least 5 continents in it and I can get parts for the land cruiser in almost every country on the planet. It gets a little less mpg than the van did but had way more capability. I’ve taken it on some not safe trails and have only gotten it stuck a couple times and that had more to do with deep snow than the capability of thee cruiser. In all that the Cruise was the everyday car and started to get messy as well, but I was not as much in youth ministry anymore and it also became an adventure wagon. When i moved to Mammoth I spent the first summer living out of the cruiser camping on public lands and showering at the gym and it was beautiful, though the car got messy but I cleaned it out regularly. I moved back to rent the house I grew up in and used it to commute back and forth to work and the mess added, but I took time to try to clean it out.

About 4 years ago I got a second car that, after putting a little bit of work into, became my daily driver. And it allowed me to keep the cruiser nicer and cleaner, and it’s pretty much stayed that way. I now have a “date night car” and a “Daily” But the Daily, it’s not pretty, I know what’s there but don’t really care about it for a while it was worse than my van ever was. I rarely have passengers anymore and both of my cars are set for carrying one passenger, and then I can almost lay flat behind the front seat and nap, but I can flip seats up for more people easily. The Daily gets me to home and back regularly. It holds the skis/climbing gear/ running kit, I can put my bike on it easily and still sleep inside.

But recently I reconnected with someone who, hasn’t seen the inside of my daily, but she’s someone I’ll clean it out for, in fact by the time you read this it’s probably already done.

What in your life do you need to clean up for the next steps to happen? what can you do today that will make tomorrow better? Do that. Clean the Daily in your life. Find someone that inspires you to want to improve.

And if you see me, not on the internet but in real life, ask me if it’s happened yet. Hold me accountable.

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