Social beings

I wrote this a few years ago and never published it.
But I read it again and felt like it needed to get out there for people to read.

  We are social beings, even those of us who are introverts.  It’s something that drives us, I’m not sure what it is. Sometimes instead of saving money and making the coffee at home we need to go out and sit in a coffee shop and watch people, interact with the barista, talk with the  people who walk in.
There are also days that you need to sit at home or days where you get out and walk your dog in nature with no one around. Though we can’t spend our entire lives alone, if we do we become jaded and full of ourselves, I’ve been there, and occasionally my mind goes back there. We need to spend time with other people and not withdraw, spend time with those that care, go out when people invite you. I have a friend who is a big time gamer and introvert, but he sets limits on his gaming, when someone calls or wants to hang out with him, and unless it’s a previously scheduled raid night, or in-game group activities, he shuts down his gaming and hangs out because he knows that sometimes people need that.

Make an effort to spend time with people who you care about because you never know if it will be the last time you see them.

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