Things to learn and do in the next year

Trad climbing
I really want to get more into climbing and all the trad routes that are all over the Eastern Sierras look awesome, I’ve climbed sport and its fun it just needs bolts and there aren’t any on some of the places I see that look like they would be fun to climb like the Big red face that is just to the north of Sparkplug in the White Mountains. Doing my reading to learn gear placement but I’m a much better learner hands on. So I need to find a good teacher to learn from.

Better Communication
my communication skills are lacking and I am working on it, that’s one of the reasons I started this blog to get the thoughts out of my head and into the world, they may not always be pretty, but sometimes things need to be said…

and I’m not saying I don’t know how to make a pot of coffee, I do and actually prefer a cup from a pour-over or a french press to drip. But I want to learn lattes, cappuccinos and mochas. It will really add to my culinary skills in the ways of a barista. That may mean adding a second job or taking a class, or maybe just buying a cheap espresso machine and getting the basics there…

More fulfilling relationships, both on my part and the part of others
I want to know I have friends I can count on in Bishop where I live, it seems like most of the friends I have are pretty flaky when it comes to seeing them, and having adventures, getting outside, or just having coffee, on a regular basis. Unless its me and if it is then there is something else to work on. I honestly feel like the people who I used to hangout with seem to just not care, it might just be my perspective but I thought friends invited each other to hang out and the last 6 months I seemingly sent so many invites to “friends” and had no response, or negative responses, or the classic “sorry I’m busy”, that it made it seem like I’m not worth their time.

No more going to movies alone;
I went to so many movies last year by myself that its not something I want to do again, so at least for this year if I can’t find a person to go to a movie with then I won’t go see that movie no matter how much I want to see it.

Learn to fall better;
mostly for bouldering but I need to learn to get further away from the rock when I fall / jump off the rock to the crash pads, smacked my finger hard last week …

Living a better story;
getting more life experiences, I’m already planning to climb in more places this year, Joshua Tree for my birthday is definitely happening. I’m also planning on doing more cycling than last year, but must learn to balance both Cycling and climbing so I don’t lose one or the other. More adventuring and less worrying about the little things

Better balance;
Both literally and in my spiritual life, slack-lining more will help with this, as well as Trusting God with all that I am and need and want to be.

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